Manual Transmission Repair


Manual transmission, standard transmission, stick shift. These are all different names for the same type of drivetrain. The more correct term is a manual transmission because you shift it manually instead of it shifting on its own like an automatic transmission. The term standard transmission comes from a time when an automatic transmission was an option that you had to pay extra for when you bought the car. 

Only the most experienced, skilled drivers will be able to nurse better gas mileage out of a manual transmission than they can get from most of today’s automatics. Of course, there are still those people who just enjoy the feel of driving a stick. Shifting gears manually makes them feel like they’re an integral part of the driving experience. Whatever the reason you have for owning a car with a manual transmission when you have a problem with your car’s transmission, you know you can count on us.

So if your car’s manual transmission is having problems — anything from grinding gears to not moving at all, and everything in between — give us a call. We will be happy to check it out and let you know exactly what it’ll take to get you back on the road and shifting gears again.

At John’s Transmissions, your complete automotive care center in Ben Wheeler, TX we install only quality replacement parts. Give us a call and let us help keep you safely and economically on the road. We serve Ben Wheeler, Tyler and the surrounding areas.

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